Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is an approach to managing and provisioning IT environments by describing their infrastructure resources in code.
In the era of declarative cloud-native stacks IaC is a key element of modern systems. Its necessity is further emphasized by the mergence of software development and operations roles that require infrastructure engineers to do more coding and seek suitable tools for this.
Applying IaC allows engineers to treat servers, databases, networks and other infrastructure elements like software. This means applying the principles of software development to IT infrastructure management, including versioning, testing and continuous integration.
IaC is a critical element of high-tech environments, and a pillar of automation. Having your infrastructure codified enables your team to:
- Manage infrastructure through a configuration file
- Perform rapid and configurable scaling
- Employ GitOps principles of reconciliation and centralized infrastructure management
- Use declarative-style toolset and integrate with cloud native systems
- Better comply with security standards
- Reduce cloud costs
IaC provides a lot of benefits. However, the initial step to adopt it can be challenging for companies that already have some systems in place. SHALB’s qualified engineers are here to help you with any DevOps task, including infrastructure codification, management and setup.
Contact us to have your systems future-proof against potential challenges. We work with a variety of configuration management tools, including Terraform, CloudFormation, Pulumi, and Crossplane.