CI/CD Service

Accelerate your development process to a higher level with Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) DevOps practices. SHALB experts will help automate your release pipelines to achieve maximum efficiency in your delivery workflow.
What is it?

CI is a set of coding practices that aim to establish a consistent and automated way to build, package, and test applications. CI applies continuous code delivery into the central repository each time the code is proven valid by a successful build and automated tests. As the code is delivered in small batches, this approach makes it easier to detect bugs in the early stages and fix them immediately.

CD functions as an automated way to push code changes to infrastructure environments other than production, such as development and staging. CI/CD in DevOps goes hand-in-hand with continuous testing to ensure only high-quality code is delivered to users.

Well-established CI/CD practice may include an option of Continuous Deployment, which is also referred to as CD. In this case, application changes run through the CI/CD pipeline and are deployed directly to production environments after successfully passing all tests.

Advantages of CI/CD system

Businesses now control the pace and speed of the software development cycle. With our CI/CD as a service, your development process becomes more agile and responsive to business needs.

Well-organized CI/CD allows your team to achieve better results with less effort and time investment. It does so by automating various aspects of online operations, from typical build, test, and deploy stages to more complex ones, including pushing code to selected environments or performing complex canary or blue-green deployments.

By introducing a faster development pace and shorter release cycles, CI/CD reduces the time for your products and new features to reach the market. This, in turn, gives your enterprise an edge over competitors and increases customers’ loyalty, as their feedback is proactively responded to and results in new features sooner.

We assist in implementing CI and CD practices for your company to support your development process and ensure it is as fast and efficient as your business demands.

Benefits you get

Frequent deployments on a daily or even hourly basis.
Automation of repetitive tasks, including builds, tests, and deploys.
Early bug detection and fast fixes.
Overall software quality improvement.
DevOps CI/CD and testing tools

Applying CI/CD practices to a project is always a bespoke solution. To create and customize the ideal automation strategy and select the right tool, we take time to understand configuration changes of the application and its release cycle.

Following modern cloud native trends, at SHALB we tend to detach CI and CD workflows by using separate tools for their implementation. Whenever possible, our experts enable CI using native GIT provider tools (GitLab Pipelines/GitHub Actions), while the management of CD is conducted with a polling model from the cluster itself via GitOps (ArgoCD, Flux Toolkit).

Contact us to have a CI/CD automation strategy underlie your infrastructure architecture. SHALB's experts are here to provide you with any assistance in CI/CD implementation.



Already benefiting from our successful collaboration

Navdip Bhachech, Senior Vice President Engineering Bedrock Analytics — SHALB — Image
Navdip Bhachech
Senior Vice President
Engineering Bedrock Analytics
Modern infrastructure with config managing for Bedrock Analytics

“What I liked about Volodymyr and Sergii is that they would figure things out. They were very proactive in finding the resolution to every little issue and figuring it out and doing the research. That was nice to see. We were leaning on them for their expertise as the process went on. I think they did a great job on that and figured out a lot of little details.”

Vazha Pirtskhalaishvili, Head Of DevOps Engineering unit at BoGh — SHALB — Image
Vazha Pirtskhalaishvili
Head Of DevOps
Engineering unit at BoG
Flexible and modern platform for the Bank of Georgia

“Bank of Georgia needed a reliable platform with a fault-tolerant system. The guys from SHALB did a great job, additionally working out aspects not covered in the initial contract.”

Olexy Sadovy, CTO at PartsTech — SHALB — Image
Olexy Sadovy
CTO at PartsTech
Reliable and protected infrastructure for PartsTech

“The problem with our project was we had so many people working on it that it was very convoluted, – comments Olexy Sadovy. – So it was tough to untangle all this mess. And I think SHALB did a great job of working with that. We had a couple of bumps but we got through that and I think we ended up on the good side of it.”

Piotr Nowinski, Head of Product Engineering at Spryker Systems GmbH — SHALB — Image
Piotr Nowinski
Head of Product Engineering at Spryker
Delivering an event platform for e-commerce giant

"Overall, they did a good job. They understood the timelines and worked towards them, delivering on time and within the budget. We didn’t have to push them. SHALB understood the goal we wanted to achieve and worked towards it."

Igor Stolnitsky, CEO of Horoshop — SHALB — Image
Igor Stolnitsky
CEO of Horoshop
Providing a reliable server architecture for SaaS platform

“The solutions proposed by Shalb have proven their quality over time. The built cluster turned out to be easy and cheap to scale. Using it, we easily increased the number of clients we can serve at the same time by tenfold, without proportionally increasing the size of our team.”


Why do I need a CI/CD pipeline?

CI/CD is a combination of continuous integration and deployment practices based upon automation of software testing and deployment. This process makes code development and delivery easier and faster. CI/CD allows to:

  • Ensure high quality code
  • Reduce costs
  • Localize failures
  • Obtain continuous feedback
  • Optimize Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)  
  • Obtain relevant metrics  
  • Speed up release time
  • Optimize version control 

With CI/CD you can delegate part of routine work to programs, enabling you to automate repetitive tasks and iterate faster while keeping up high code standards. 

What is the difference between CI and CD?

CI/CD is often thought of as a single process, but the concept actually  includes 2 distinct functions: 

Continuous Integration (CI) implies that software development is followed by automated execution of unit tests that run each time a source code has been changed. This enables developers to make changes to code several times per day. 

Continuous Delivery (CD) ensures fast and manageable delivery of completed parts of software into a repository. This process provides for regular releases and ensures that your code is constantly ready for deployment. 

The practice of CI/CD reduces the duration of sprints from months to 1-2 weeks.

How does the implementation of CI/CD affect costs?

The implementation of CI/CD allows organizations to automate and optimize the process of software development. As a results, customers can cut costs on software development and maintenance, and reduce the scope of manual work. This in turn enables them to reduce staff and focus the released time of their specialists on business development and creative tasks.    

CI/CD enables companies to implement new features faster, accelerate debugging, speed up development cycles, save resources, and launch new products faster.

What level of automation does CI/CD imply?

A reliable CI/CD pipeline allows for the automation of most routine tasks related to code delivery to target environments. The tasks vary from simple ones, such as building and testing application code, to more complex ones, including automated launch of feature environments with every new commit, or performing complex deployment strategies. The level of automation depends on the pipeline implementation and setup. With Continuous Deployment, CI/CD pipelines may include automated deployment to production. 

What stages does a CI/CD pipeline include?

CI/CD includes the following stages:

  1. Coding: developers write a module’s code and test it manually. Then they commit the code to a master branch to merge it with the current project’s version. 
  1. Build: when code from all modules is published, version control system initiates automated build and tests the project. 
  1. Manual testing: verified code version is rendered to a QA team for manual testing. 
  1. Release: at this stage the build undergoes necessary amendments and is ready to be released to end-users. 
  1. Deployment: software from a release version is spun up on production servers and becomes available to end-users. 
  2. Monitoring and maintenance: users start interacting with an application while developers analyze their experience.
  3. Planning: developers make changes to the program’s functionality.


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