The implementation of scalable and highly available websites has become a primary task in the digital environment, and Kubernetes created a revolution in the ways of deploying, managing and scaling applications. In this article, we explore the intricacies of deploying WordPress in the Kubernetes cluster and explain how to use containerization and orchestration capabilities to keep your WordPress site fail-safe, scalable, and highly accessible.

Kubernetes and WordPress

Kubernetes (K8s) is an open source software that provides a container orchestration environment. It is used to automate the deployment, scaling, and managing of containerized applications. K8s offers a robust set of functions for load balancing, self-healing, and automatic scaling. This makes it an optimal choice for hosting a variety of applications, including WordPress.


WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites and blogs around the world. Typically, WordPress is deployed on a virtual server or servers, but launching WordPress on Kubernetes offers many benefits, including improved resource utilization, simplified management, and increased fault tolerance.

Setting up a Kubernetes cluster

The first step in deploying WordPress in Kubernetes is to set up a K8s cluster. This involves preparing a cluster of nodes that are the base servers on which the containers will be hosted. Kubernetes can be deployed on various cloud providers or on local infrastructure. This process can be simplified by tools like kubeadm, kops (used for K8s clusters) and Kubernetes managed services. The latter option includes Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and Amazon EKS, used for provider-managed clusters.

WordPress containerization

The next step in creating a Kubernetes WordPress cluster is to containerize your WordPress application. Containers provide a lightweight and consistent environment for applications to run in. They also ensure their consistent operation in a variety of environments. For this task, you can use Docker, a popular choice for creating and managing containers.


To containerize WordPress, you need to create Docker images for both the WordPress application and its related database, such as MySQL or MariaDB. These images will encapsulate all necessary components and dependencies, allowing for consistent deployment on Kubernetes nodes.

WordPress deployment

WordPress deployment involves defining Kubernetes resources with YAML files. Key objects required for Kubernetes WordPress deployment include:


Deployments: these define how many instances of the WordPress application should be running and manage their scaling and updates.


Services: provide the WordPress application inside the cluster or externally on the Internet. In other words, these services make WordPress open to the outside world (expose). For example, LoadBalancer services can provide external access and ClusterIP services provide internal communication.


Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVC): these resources ensure that data such as media files and plugin configurations are preserved, even if the container is restarted or replanned. They are abstract storages that can be implemented as a physical disk on cluster nodes, network storage, or cloud (Amazon EBS or Google Persistent Disks).

High availability and scalability

One of the main advantages of Kubernetes WordPress hosting is its ability to provide high availability and easy scalability after setup. With the replication of your WordPress application across multiple nodes, Kubernetes automatically performs a failover in case of a node failure. Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) can also be configured to adjust the number of replicas. This is usually done according to resource utilization to ensure optimal performance.

Data management and backups

Data management is essential in deploying WordPress in Kubernetes. Setting up persistent volumes and regular backups is necessary to prevent data loss. Using backup tools helps protect your data and facilitates disaster recovery. For this, you can use Valero, a Kubernetes compatible tool.

Monitoring and logging

Maintaining a workable WordPress deployment requires comprehensive monitoring and logging. Kubernetes provides integration with such monitoring tools as Prometheus and Grafana, which allow you to collect performance metrics and visualize trends. At the same time, a centralized logging solution can be used to aggregate and analyze logs. Such solutions include the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana).


Incorporating Kubernetes into your WordPress deployment strategy allows you to achieve an optimal level of scalability and high availability. In addition, if you want to run WordPress on Kubernetes, using containerization and orchestration will optimize management, improve fault tolerance, and provide an exceptional user experience. The experts at SHALB can help you integrate Kubernetes capabilities into your project for scaling, monitoring, and data management. This will ensure the resilience and performance of your WordPress website.