What is testing and why do we need it?

Coding is a different creative process every time. Each software project is built from scratch and there is no fixed blueprint for programmers to follow. As a result, errors and flaws in code are expected and a program may not always entirely meet the customer’s terms of reference. Testing is an integral part of DevOps solutions and services that comes into play to pinpoint and resolve such issues.


During testing, the following elements should be assessed:


  • Features: Specialists make sure that the software performs all the functions required by the customer.
  • Reliability and performance: The program must perform functions under various conditions and under various loads.
  • Compatibility: The program must work correctly on all declared devices and operating systems.
  • User-friendliness: If the UI is inconvenient or incomprehensible to end users, they won’t accept the product.
  • Security: You need to make sure that the product will be protected from tampering and other interference.


Both the developer and the customer must be sure that the software is functional and viable: the developer’s reputation and the success of the customer’s product depend on it. Testing helps you avoid possible problems and ensures that:

  1. The product is of high-quality. Even the most skilled and experienced developers can’t predict all the scripts in which the software will be used. That’s where a separate team comes in, specializing in testing the software in action and detecting defects in its operation. Testing enables the identification of bugs before the product is released.
  2. Customers will be happy. Within the software development workflow, developers may focus too much on the technical aspects and overlook the user experience. However, testing reveals any deficiencies and highlights areas where improvements are necessary to ensure the software is user-friendly and meets the needs of its intended audience.
  3. The security of using the program is provided. Customers require software that is reliable and free from potential threats, with their data being securely protected. Testing helps establish trust in the product by identifying and mitigating any security risks or vulnerabilities.

Testing software methodologies

There are two general types of code testing methods: static and dynamic testing. Each method has its own unique features.


Static code testing involves testing the individual parts of the code before the program is completely assembled. This means that you can execute such tests early in the development cycle. A large number of errors can be traced before the program is fully written. This way, you reduce the test time and make it easier for the DevOps team to work later in the cycle.


This approach can include both manual testing (a QA specialist analyzes the code) and testing using automatic analysis (special programs, which flag all potential errors and verify the code).


This methodology offers the DevOps team the means to detect critical errors and anticipate potential issues in the program. Since it does not entail code execution, it’s a cost-effective way to enhance the program’s quality during the early stages of development.


Dynamic application security testing occurs while the code is running. This approach provides insight into how the software will perform in real-world situations, under different scenarios, and assesses its efficacy, behavior, and adherence to the initial task’s functionality. Such testing is useful in determining whether the program’s outcome meets the software requirements at the beginning of development.


Usually, both approaches are used during the program code review, however, the set of specific testing methods may vary depending on the individual characteristics of each project. If you’re not sure whether you can correctly determine the most suitable methods for your project, contact the DevSecOps consulting service providers: this will save you time and help you find the most efficient way to test your program.

Testing types

1. Black box testing

The main idea of this testing method is to simulate a pure experiment by replicating the conditions as closely as possible. QA specialists will have no idea about the internal workings of the software and only a general understanding of its intended functionality. Consequently, they navigate the application’s functions menu in a non-sequential manner as they see fit. This approach closely resembles how an end user would interact with the software, enabling a deeper understanding of the user’s logic and their expectations of the program.

2. White box testing

Unlike the previous method, this testing approach grants QA specialists full access to the program’s internal structure. They possess complete knowledge of the software’s logic and consciously evaluate each component to ensure proper interaction between modules. Additionally, QA specialists have access to the program’s source code and approach their tasks as a scrutineer with precise expectations. Thus, during such evaluations, they prioritize technical accuracy over user experience. White box tests are often conducted early in the development process.

3. Gray box test

This approach combines the principles of the first two: QA specialists have a general idea about the program’s architecture and conduct evaluations through the user interface.

4. Automated testing

Automated testing tools enable you to speed up code review: the QA specialist creates the code manually, while programs do so automatically.

5. Unit testing

This technique allows you to discover and correct errors in the early stages of development. QA specialists check the program’s individual parts (modules) isolated from the main code array. The task of QA specialists is to make sure each of these blocks works correctly.

6. Integration testing

Integration testing is a natural extension of unit testing that examines how different modules within an application interact with each other. To do this, integration testing methods employ blocks of code that have already undergone unit testing. QA specialists combine these components with larger groups and assess whether they function correctly. However, integration testing is more expensive as it necessitates testing numerous app components.

7. Regression testing

This testing approach can be referred to as a control check, where WA specialists rerun previously passed tests on new versions of the code. While this may seem redundant, regression testing methods play a crucial role in identifying latent errors that could emerge during subsequent builds. By performing regression tests, the team can spend less time searching for defects in the later stages of the development cycle.

8. Exploratory testing

Exploratory testing is a software testing approach that demands a high degree of creativity from QA specialists. Unlike traditional testing methods, they don’t adhere to a predetermined plan. Tests follow a partially finished scenario while QA specialists develop them during the testing process based on their knowledge, experience, and data received. Intuition plays a crucial role in this approach, as it enables QA specialists to find errors or program features that are challenging to calculate using algorithms.

9. Functional test software

The final stage of software verification involves ensuring that the system software aligns with the project’s initial goals. The primary objective of this method is to confirm that the program accurately performs all the functions outlined in the original documentation.

10. UI testing

This technique prioritizes the user’s comfort above all else. QA specialists evaluate the design and functionality of the application for ergonomics, ensuring that all of its elements perform their tasks effectively while being intuitive for end users. After all, if the program’s interface is inconvenient, even the most progressive software may lose its value to users.


Software testing is a multifaceted process that involves different program testing methods at various levels intersecting and complementing each other. It’s an essential process in creating high-quality functional software that is user-friendly and meets their needs, making it competitive and in demand in the market. To test your software with maximum efficiency, contact the experienced specialists at the DevOps company: we will help you choose the methods that are suitable for your project.